Who encourages you? My aunt and uncle encourage me. My uncle Bryan in high school tried to  be the best at everything. He wasn't the best kid in school from storied I hear. Im not meaning like drugs and stuff like that but things like mostly his attitude. He didn't like when people thought they were better than everyone else. So what he did was to show them that he could be better and that they weren't the best. I think during high school and after high school he always dated girls. After high school he had a dream to become a youth pastor. He went from a bad attitude not really caring about anything to becoming a man of God. Yes im going to talk about God because God isn't embarrassed by me so why should i be embarrassed to talk about him? My uncle taught me that I don't need to worry about people not liking me or people talking behind my back. God is with me when no one else is. My Aunt Alisha which is Bryan’s wife is a worship pastor. She sings for The Lord and praises him and shes a women of God. To me shes like a perfect woman of God and shes a role model to me for how in love with The Lord she is. Yes shes made mistakes but who hasn't because i know im not perfect and anyone that reads this isn't perfect. My aunt and uncle encourage me to be me. God loves me no matter what and they encourage me to learn more about Jesus. I know he has big plans in store for me and they encourage me not to give up. They are both such a great role model. My uncle is a youth leader he preaches to like 30 teens so he encourages them all the time. Some days he probably feels like he does nothing and the teens aren't listening but really hes making me an impact on so many lives and those teens will learn from him and go out and help others so if theres 30 kids and every kid goes and help 5 kids thats 150 kids that are encouraged and the people they just helped will go out and help others and the group will get bigger and bigger and hopefully the world will become a better place. All it takes is that 1 person to make a difference and they taught me that because i was in a situation for helping someone and that group got bigger and now there helping others. What I just wrote might seem like they haven't encouraged me but everything i just wrote is from what they taught me and encouraged me to do. You can go from one person and a brand new person. Just have faith, believe, and pray.

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    I love helping people and giving to others. I am so blessed with all the wonderful friends and family that are in my life. (:


    January 2014

