Over Christmas break I spent lots of time visiting my family and opening lots of presents, which I am so blessed to have. Christmas isn't about Santa and presents and all that stuff, Christmas is about CHRIST. No body would be here if it wasn't for Jesus dying on the cross for us to have lives and for our sins. Anyway I got a chi straightener, clothes, a car, iTunes and Starbucks gift cards, makeup, boots, scarf’s, head massage, and a few other things. I had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did too. I woke up Christmas morning around 7:00 am to open presents. My dad made a scavenger hunt and gave me clues to find my presents. It was very cool. After that I got ready and me and my family went next door to my grandpas house and we did Christmas over there and had lots of snack food. Every year I have about seven Christmases. Thursday when we were in school I went to the intermediate school and had lunch with a little boy that i’m good friends with.  That was what I did during my Christmas break. 

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    I love helping people and giving to others. I am so blessed with all the wonderful friends and family that are in my life. (:


    January 2014

